No pills necessary
Grounding instantly (and naturally) lowers blood pressure by 14%
Grounding is the process of connecting the human body to the electrical potential of the Earth’s surface.
This can be done by direct contact, for example walking barefoot on the soil.
But it can also be done using sheets, mats, or bands interwoven with metals which are then connected to the soil outside.
The concept of earthing as a health practice has been known for thousands of years.
But only recently has the theory been tested by scientific methods.
One study looked at the effect of grounding on blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
The results show that granting could be a very effective treatment for high blood pressure.

The research was carried out at the Heartwise Fitness and Longevity Center in Whittier, California. The results are published in the journal Alternative Therapies.
There have been a number of small-scale studies investigating the health effects of grounding.
Aside from those studies, there have been many anecdotal reports of people having health improvements after using grounding devices.
“Anecdotal reports include lowering of high blood pressure.”
This research was set up to investigate the validity of anecdotal reports claiming that grounding can lower blood pressure.
10 patients diagnosed with high blood pressure were included in the study.
Blood pressure was first taken at an initial assessment.
“Participants’ blood pressure was measured prior to the study.”
Then the participants began the grounding treatment. The participants were assessed again at three or four month intervals over the next year.
“The participants returned to 3 follow-up visits during a 3- or 4-month period for a total of 4 visits (1 prior to grounding, 3 after starting grounding).”
There are a number of different ways in which grounding can be achieved at home.
This study used a sheet and mat which were interwoven with electrically conductive metals.
“All participants were provided with a grounding half-sheet and mat and instructed how to use them at home.”
The participants were advised to be in contact with one of these tools for more than 10 hours every day.
Most of this can be achieved by using the grounding sheet while sleeping.
“The sheet was to be placed across the width of the bed at the foot end, above the regular bottom sheet, so that the participant’s skin (feet, calves, thighs) would come in direct contact with the sheet.”
The grounding sheet was connected to a metal rod placed into the earth outside.
The participants were also given a grounding mat. The mat was also interwoven with electrically conductive metals.
The mat could be plugged into the electrical outlet where the plug only connected to the ground pin.
“Participants were instructed to use the mat on the floor, with bare feet placed on it while at the computer, reading, or watching television.”
The participants tracked their blood pressure at home as well as visiting the clinic to have their blood pressure taken by the doctors and nurses.
Grounding led to significant improvements in blood pressure in everyone taking part in the study.
“All 10 patient measurements were found to be significantly improved at the end of the trial period.”
The average decrease in systolic blood pressure was 14%.
Systolic blood pressure is the first number given in a blood pressure reading. It is a number that doctors are usually most concerned about.
“Systolic blood pressure decreased by an average of 14%.”
Everyone in the study saw a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure.
“Systolic levels decreased during this time, ranging individually from 8.6% to 22.7%.”
Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased in the second month. There were further significant decreases in the third month.
Though some people had immediate benefits, many of the benefits accrued over a period of months.
The benefits of grounding on high blood pressure are not dependent on being grounded all the time.
This was proven by the fact that blood pressure readings at the clinic were taken when the patient was not grounded.
“The patient was not grounded at the time of the office visits.”
This small study shows that grounding could be a remarkably effective treatment for high blood pressure.
“The results indicate that grounding appears to be a safe blood pressure-reducing therapy warranting further research.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health related problems.