Bacteria is becoming more resistant to antibiotics — so use this instead
How to fight off bacterial illnesses without antibiotics
Humans have been naturally treating diseases and infections for thousands of years…
But modern medicine has turned a blind eye to these remedies since antibiotics were “officially” discovered in 1928.
That’s because for nearly 100 years the scientific community has thought the modern ways are “better.”
Because of that, we’ve used our very human tendency to filter information to ignore all the thousands of years of medicine that came before.
It’s only now, where in some circumstances antibiotics are starting to fail us, that we’re looking at the older remedies again.
And the researchers are not only finding that they are working, but they are figuring out WHY.

Bacteria are becoming more resistant to antibiotics.
The truth of the matter is that bacteria are starting to become far more resistant to antibiotics.
This is especially true for types of bacteria that can cause foot ulcers in diabetics.
All of these bacteria can be found in the biofilms that infect diabetic foot ulcers and which can be resistant to antibiotic treatment. These debilitating infections can lead to amputation to avoid the risk of the bacteria spreading to the blood to cause lethal bacteremia.
These types of bacteria live in biofilms and they can be devastating if you get infected with them — leading to potential amputation.
That makes figuring out a solution critical.
That’s why scientists are starting to dig out poultices like you see in the movies or that your great-grandma used to make.
Disrupting the biofilm may be key.
To combat this problem researchers in the University of Nottingham have turned to a medieval remedy called Bald’s eyesalve to disrupt the biofilm and allow healing to occur.
Researchers from the School of Life Sciences at University of Warwick reconstructed a 1,000-year-old medieval remedy containing onion, garlic, wine, and bile salts, which is known as ‘Bald’s eyesalve’, and showed it to have promising antibacterial activity.
I have a tough time imagining that Big Pharma is thrilled with this idea, simply because all of these ingredients are common and inexpensive — which makes them difficult to patent and make money from.
So you probably won’t be hearing about it any time soon.
But since it’s safe, I wanted to make sure you knew about it.
The ingredients include:
- Onion
- Garlic
- Wine
- Bile Salts
This combination was effective at disrupting the bacteria in the diabetic wounds and allowing healing to occur.
The researchers believe that it works by breaking down the biofilm that the bacteria thrive in.
And even better, this remedy seems safe for human cells.
Because the mixture did not cause much damage to human cells in the lab, or to mice, we could potentially develop a safe and effective antibacterial treatment from the remedy.
Interestingly, none of these ingredients were as effective alone. They needed the combination to kill the bacteria in diabetic wounds.
“Our work demonstrates just how important it is to use realistic models in the lab when looking for new antibiotics from plants. Although a single component is enough to kill planktonic cultures, it fails against more realistic infection models, where the full remedy succeeds.”
If you are on antibiotics to treat an infection like this, don’t go off of them without consulting with your doctor.
You should never go off treatments without consulting with your doctor.
But you may also want to consider creating your own poultice based on these medieval ingredients.
It’s safe and it speeds healing, and you aren’t likely to hear about it from the medical “establishment,” because there simply isn’t any profit in it.
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